Bio-ilhas Project

Bio-ilhas Project



Wetlands are critically endangered habitats in Europe and have shown the greatest levels of decline in the last 50 years of European history. Saltmarsh areas have been consecutively occupied by intensive and/or industrial socio-economic activities, with low levels of sustainability (construction, super-intensive fish farming, intensive or greenhouse agriculture, energy uses on the seabed, or indirect action originating in hydroelectric plants and/or intensive irrigated agriculture). One of the traditional and sustainable surviving activities, with levels of biodiversity protection in halophytic and saline environments, is the salt production activity.

The Bio-Ilhas Project aims to boost, increase, promote and stimulate biodiversity levels, namely nesting bird communities, through the construction of artificial islands in salt ponds, or in abandoned salt pans, in order to rehabilitate them.

This project is funded by Viridia – Conservation in action.

See a brief presentation of the project here: Bio-Ilhas Project Presentation


To improve habitats and create nesting places for birds;

To promote the increase of the target species bird populations: the Little Tern (Sternula albifrons), the Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola), the Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) and the Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), among others;

To contribute to scientific knowledge;

To contribute to environmental awareness;

To create tools for a potential replication of this project.

Intended Audience

Salt producing community

Olhão and Faro school community

Tourism sector companies

Population in general


Establishment of artificial islands in salt pans and in wastewater treatment plant lagoons.

Reconstruction of salt marsh embankments (island-shell).

Re-naturalisation of degraded saltmarsh areas.

Environmental awareness and training for school communities, saltpond owners and public and private entities (ICNF, SEPNA/GNR, tourism sector companies, etc.).

Placing signs regarding species and habitats.

Carrying out scientific work (monitoring of avifauna and scientific bird ringing).


Since 2021



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